Report  John Philpot  25 June 2010

Today the Trial Chamber  in the Nzirorera trial indicated that there are no contempt proceedings
pending against Peter Robinson.  They didn’t withdraw them, they just claimed that
they had never been initiated in the first place.

They also said that the principle that ICTR defence counsel working in
Rwanda enjoyed functional immunity was clear and that counsel had nothing to
fear from working in Rwanda.

Comment: John Philpot

This is a great victory for Peter Robinson. (and of course  for Peter Erlinder).

There is still a problem since:

1. Proceedings against Peter Erlinder are not terminated in spite of the ICTR’s imposing immunity on Rwanda who cannot refuse stopping proceedings.
2. Rwanda stated the Security Council on 18 June that it will charge other lawyers, writers and academics if they negate or diminish genocide.

Many lawyers are threatened by this. Rwanda is dangerous.

The issue is before the Court in the Ntabakuze Appeal in which the ADAD has filed a Request for amicus status and in the Nizeyimana Trial which is just commencing.

I know I speak for the organizers of the ICTR defence conferences and our many friends in thanking all those who stood by Peter Erlinder and Peter Robinson in this difficult time.

We will remain united in the coming months because many feel this is not over yet.

Yours truly,

John Philpot

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